I just don't understand some people.. you throw insults that you think are funny yet are completely oblivious to the effect they may have.. If you don't like someone, then just leave them alone and stay away, there's no need to carry on picking and picking.. However, if you actually like the person and want attention from them, then being hurtful is NOT the way to go about it.. You will be noticed by being respectful, friendly and mature.. People are no longer interested in stupid, silly, immature prats.. If it's for the entertainment of others then I hope they bite back and give as good as they get and embarrass you just as much as you're feeling inside.. In simple words you might understand, GROW UP! It's people like you that make me realise who the decent people are in my life and who are your genuine friends and who actually genuinely care for your wellbeing.
It's people like you that make others feel down about themselves or actually believe the insults you through at them. It can make people feel worthless and unwanted while you prance about thinking of nothing other than yourself and your little world. There's no need for it, end of. Ok, yes, sometimes you should take it on the chin or take it in jest, yet should we even be subjected to these nasty comments in the first place? Where is the line between 'having a laugh', banter and damn right unnecessary?
Very well put. Sadly, bullying is not just kids harassing kids. Adults can be bullies too. As I have said in the past 'the world is actually a very nice place. It's people that make it horrid'.